
House owners (partial list)1939

House owners (partial list)1939

Jewish persons who received the status of private owners in 1939

Jewish persons who received the status of private owners in 1939

The Jews born in Friedrichstadt, imprisoned in Stutthof concentration camp

The Jews born in Friedrichstadt, imprisoned in Stutthof concentration camp

Landowners and house owners data 19 century

Landowners and house owners data 19 century

The List of Jewish Persons Mentioned in 1892 Address Book of Courland

The List of Jewish Persons Mentioned in 1892 Address Book of Courland

The List of Holocaust Victims in Jaunjelgava. July – August 1941

The List of Holocaust Victims in Jaunjelgava. July – August 1941

The List of property or business owners Inhabitants of Friedrichstadt compiled from Adolf Richters Baltische Verkehrs

The List of property or business owners Inhabitants of Friedrichstadt compiled from Adolf Richters Baltische Verkehrs